Setting Sail to Your Heart's Desire

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SoLwork Life Coaching – Maureen Purcell

Life is an individual journey with our destination being a life where we are fully engaged and alive in whatever way we each define it.

What’s your heart’s desire?

Are you leveraging the uniqueness of YOU to sail across the seas of life to YOUR advantage in the direction you have selected?

Do you identify with any of these?

  • Dreaming of something you’d love to be doing, but not sure how to get there?
  • Feeling stuck in life, but not sure of how to get unstuck?
  • Is your body showing up in work/life, but your spirit is sagging?
  • Stressed and unbalanced between work and life?
  • Tired of being tossed around and ready to take control of your life?

I absolutely LOVED working with Maureen. Coaching with her changed my life and I am Forever grateful!

Before working with Maureen, I was so frazzled and lacked career direction. I was coming out of a season of being home with young children and the career I had before no longer fit.

Navigating work, family and life was so challenging. Maureen asked the questions I was not able to ask myself and helped me get to a much better place in my life. I now am doing work that I love and that feeds my soul. I am truly happier in my career because of coaching with Maureen.

Colette S.

Non-Profit Executive

“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are—if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.”

Joseph Campbell

In a perfect world, we are the heroes of our journey, effortlessly gliding across the ocean of life with our compasses locked into clearly identifiable points heading us toward our bliss, a land full of sun and light – your Sun, your Light. As in any hero’s journey, the sail is sometimes less than perfect.  We might sit on the foggy seas with no clear direction, have no wind to propel our sails, or see dangerous whirlpools and sea monsters in our way.  In times like these, we can become disheartened, discouraged and even blocked from living a life fulfilled. Take heart.   As coach, I am here to serve and assist you in whatever stage of the journey you are on, seeking your bliss – as you define it!   I want you to live your SoLwork, where your spirit is fully engaged and your Sun is shining through.


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